Saturday, January 31, 2009

we like heating pads

Owen is now hogging up the new heat pad on the bed. So not only does he have the cozy blue comforter he also has taken over the heating bad. Any other male that made this mistake might have an argument coming his way but Owen gets or has a special pass in my heart.

The latest trial Owen survived was his silly mommy deciding that if she used her favorite expensive "moisturizing balm" on his fur and his matted parts especially she would be able to get more of the matts out without touching his fur. Well all was going according to plan before i realized.....Oh no, I have to rinse this out. It would have to be one of the coldest days of the year mind you. Bad Mommy rides again. So I placed him in the since rinsed him wrapped him up in a towel, placed him on the sunny part of the bed, and then turned the heating pad on.

I did get out many of the matts. He does smell wonderful. I realize though that I thought I was doing that all for his benefit when really, I just hate to feel those matts. He just likes to be pet. matts and all. Sometimes altruism exists more often than not, I am just selfish. So glad Owen loves me anyhow.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


inauguration day....full of tears...the heaving sort, lots of tissues....watching it all over when i got home cuddled up with my kid with fur. to hope for change, fight for change, be a part of change. so easy for me to despair, fear, want to hide. Ruby didn't, Rosa didn't, I have to fight not to. If owen can still hobble around, so can I. If we can as a people stand out in the cold just to see a jumbo tran and a man become president of the united states named Barack Obama of all things then we can we must work to improving the quality of all of our lives.