Sunday, May 25, 2008

Birthday girl or almost

Today I planted, weeded and watered. My yard is looking acceptable now. I have worked pretty hard the last few weeks and am really enjoying the whole process. Its quite a surprise I didn't expect to want to do this well. I keep thinking that this is what I need attention, watering and care. I just have to continue to work on doing it consistently for myself. I have learned how to garden, cooked, walked where I was afraid to walk, walked at all, stretched, stretched and some more stretching. I am hoping I can still get on a horse. I keep working but I am not sure I am doing all that I can or should be doing to keep myself healthy. Thank you for helping me to heal and helping me to no give up on finding love. Thank you for teaching me and loving me even when I have a hard time thinking there is anything worth loving. Thank you for walking, thank you for gardening, thank you for giving Owen another healthy season. Thank you for resolving one of the most difficult cases I have ever encountered. Thank you for Kevin, Molly, Lizzy and Katy. Thank you for Joey and Margaret. Thank you that my family cares and forgives. Thank you that I have a place to live, a car to drive and a job I enjoy. Thank you for helping me be better. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for animals that remind me of your unconditional love. Thank you for my life. AMEN.

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