Tuesday, May 20, 2008

42 for six more days

I hope i can do this. I hope I can process and journal about why fulfilling and finding me feels and fears as if I am giving up on the possibility of being in a relationship. I have so enjoyed my gardening. I look at my yard with pride and gotten up early just to water. I have stretched and stretched just to not be in pain. I hate my body can not tolerate just getting out of bed but loving that I have the choice to walk for now. I love that i am training and accepted at work in a new way. I like that I am not afraid to confront when I need to let someone know how they make me feel regardless of their response. I am excited I have planned and booked my first vacation just for me in years....South WEST here I come. I can't believe I am old and childless but am not bitter and shriveled just questioning and hopeful that at some point I will come to understand something that still hurts. I am thankful for a loving group of friends and family despite their limitations. I LOVE my nephew and nieces and have so enjoyed riding the exciting wave of my nephew's recruiting frenzy....yeah he is a stud. Owen continues to amaze. He so enjoys the sun flowing into the bedroom while he stretches out to have the warmth touch each inch of his body. He is such a love. Please help me remember lord, how much you love me and help me to trust in your goodness and care. I am so glad I still love and care for those with whom feel unlovable.

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