Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gardening and planting

This weekend I bought flowers and vegetables. I planted perennials weeded some and weeded some more. I cut down a dead bush, weeded and weeded. Once one begins this endeavor one realize how much work there is to do. I understand for the first time why gardening is addictive. The goal is beauty. The care and concern comes b/c these things are not just things they are living. They need things from the gardener. Did i mention weeding? The beauty of perennials is they will keep coming back. Next is my azalea and Rhodadendrons....I know they are small but they will grow and be beautiful. My favorite is still my hydrangea. its budding, its come back to life. And the best part is I got a flat garden hose at a yard sale and Wayne just told me they go for 30.00 yay for yard sales...I paid 3 for it!!!

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