Monday, February 18, 2008

Knitting and Owen

As I sit here and knit. I think about all the times I tried to learn and just didn't follow through. There was the time I signd up for a class in Cambridge. I was so embarrassed by my lack of manual dexterity that I left after one lesson and never went back. There have been several including Denise who have promised to teach me, but the time never happened. It wasn't until I found a blog and down loaded casting on and then knitting that I finally learned. Over and over I watched until finally I got it. Its much better than having someone there who has to wait for me to finally click in.

The best part is Owen. Long gone have I assumed his desire to play with yarn. Oh how wrong I have been. He actualy has been playing with me and trying to get my yarn. Right now, in fact he is climbing all over this computer trying to get his proper amount of rubbing. Over and over again until he gets it right. Yeah, Owen and I are kindrid spirits.

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