Sunday, February 24, 2008


Meow! this might me yet another memo about Owen but it isn't. Meow is what Manuel used to say to me instead of hello. Manuel is a young man I taught many years ago. We read Catcher and the Rye together. I loved this kid. He was smart, funny, and his disability was that he had difficulty expressing himself verbally. My job was really to talk and read with him to increase his vocabulary. I get paid for this? I thought to myself. I wasn't going to argue with this one. We were close. I watched him graduate. I helped him when his brother died in a plane crash. I listened when he complained about his father or was stressed about a girl. I just wanted to be there for him.

He just called he is in Indiana. I never know where he will be when he calls. I have received calls from all over the world. He is originally from Columbia, but has lived more places that I can remember. He was like, Owen is still around? Oh my God! Yeah. Owen is da best. He is da baby so I had two males, Owen and Manuel remind me that I am worth being around.

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