Monday, March 31, 2008

clean day number two

I can't remember the last time I could say I came home to a made bed! I did my dishes and put away all the food tonight. The sink is clear this is the second day of clean. I think the new medication cocktail is working. I am not sleeping non stop, am able to get some things done and I don't want to rip everyone to shreds. I actually want to call some of my friends to see them. Maybe I will even join the group of coworkers who do karaoke at Cameron's. Its something to aspire to anyway. Next stop the pool. I am aching everywhere. My body is either just readjusting to to my new lift height or am just incredibly sore. I am so scared I have lost some range of motion, but there isn't anything I can do about it now. This last bout of depression was tough. The most insidious thing about depression is that it could masquerade as just being tired or overwhelmed. It was hard to discern what it was given all of the things it could possibly be. Bottom line is I finally feel like a person again. Owen isn't quite sure what to do. He has a clear path to me on my bed. I just need to keep it going. It feels good.

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