Sunday, April 20, 2008

Marg and me.

Its been a beautiful week outside. It finally feels spring like. I fear even typing those words. I am sure that means it will be cold soon enough. I took my first walk on the beach back and forth got my heart rate up and boy, I am out of shape. My sister ran about 3.6 miles. Ok so I clocked it. We cleaned out my storage space and I can actually access my stuff that I haven't been able to in the last few years. She even changed a light bulb for me. All the things I don't have the muscles or the height for. She wants for me to get rid of the green chair to increase the space in the room. I am fine with getting rid of it I want to to be able to give it to someone. Its a great chair. She is right though, I don't have room for it. It does make me feel much better to have more things in order. Its the simple things after all.

Nice to have Margaret around just to hang out and catch up. Usually its the whole family and its too busy to just sit and talk. It is good to be back in the land of the living. She really has no idea what it is like to be depressed and doesn't agree with me taking medicine but what is important to me is that I feel better and now I can do things because I am not so tired all the time. She hasn't learned that she isn't my Mom she is my sister. yay for Jennie.

Owen enjoyed having another person around. Margaret isn't used to all the verbage Owen has to offer but she understands how affection is such a large part of his life. I am hoping for some cooler weather for the 26.2 trek on Monday. That is a lot o miles. I can't even imagine. I will be there with bells on.

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