Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wed Nes DAY

You're not a victim. You're a volunteer. I love this from Susan and her blog that has helped me beyond measure. It is so easy to have a pity party about this that or the other thing but the fact is we have one life to live and it doesn't matter what has happened to us. What matters is that we work it out and not allow oneself to play the victim. Awful things happen to great people. Compassion and understanding does not equal pity.

I went swimming tonight and was reminded that my body is only going to improve if I make a commitment to it and don't give up. I noticed some wrinkles today and some differences in my body I had not noticed. Aging is happening. I just have to accept it and be the best person and have the best body humanly possible.

Work continues to be fruitful. I have been enjoying the children since I have begun to experience joy yet again. I am so thankful for those beautiful children.

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